An Infusionsoft consultant wrote an excellent article that starts “A client recently asked about my personal best practices for Infusionsoft. So I’ve decided to organize them into what I’m calling my ‘10 Infusionsoft Commandments.’ I’m pretty sure this list isn’t exhaustive but will provide you with a nice little perspective on how I approach marketing automation with the app.”  His commandments are:

  1. Thou Shalt Collect As Much Data As Possible
  2. Thou Shalt Track Every Click
  3. Thou Shalt Use Conditions For Most E-mails
  4. Thou Shalt Incorporate Other Marketing Channels
  5. Thou Shalt Limit Number of Front End Follow Up Sequences
  6. Thou Shalt Never Let Technology Limit Goals
  7. Thou Shalt Never Waste A Campaign Step
  8. Thou Shalt Not Be Scared Of The Word No
  9. Thou Shalt Never Fear E-mailing The Right Person Too Much
  10. Thou Shalt Ascend Customers

Read the article to learn about the details of each commandment.